
Rachel Jankovic:

Imagine yourself in your kitchen trying to make dinner for a group of
little kids who are tired and should have eaten a half hour ago.
Imagine that things are going wrong beyond that – maybe you are out of
something you assumed you had, children are fussing with one another,
and maybe your littlest is still at the age where they come stand on
your feet and pull on your pant leg. Bonus points if you are wearing
maternity pants and this little person is actually capable of pulling
your pants down. You are hot, you are tired, and you are sick of it.

This is no time for a gospel presentation. There isn’t time. There
isn’t anyone to lead the discussion around the felt board, because you
are still scrambling to figure out dinner. This isn’t a time for a gospel presentation because it is a time for gospel application.
This is a time to take the grace that God has extended to you, and feed
your children with it. Apply what you believe about God’s mercy and
kindness and long suffering towards us, and pour it out to them – in a
form they can believe in. Unrest like this is just like a baby crying
for a bottle – only what they need is spiritual milk. They need you to
feed them, not with a lecture, but with application.

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